130411 Sungdong Cafe – Heechul talks, going to join SS5?

Sungdong cafe heechul 130411


From April 11, 2013 episode of Sungdong Cafe^^

【HEE DJ’S comeback – SS5?】Originally I told the company why not wait for Teuk to discharge next year before we make a comeback together, but the members all encouraged me to make my comeback during this concert, luckily the members still likes me. Because if we are not doing the concert I won’t have the chance to meet oversea fans, so I must start dieting, I must lose at least 4-5 kg~

【Hee DJ talks about fans】I often say although everybody like me, they shouldn’t affect their future for me, I can’t account for all your future, but I realise as I say this, I lost half of my fans. But I didn’t regret it. There are fans who report their lastest news to me, I’m especially happy seeing how everybody is living well, accomplished achievments, although I’m not the one who…

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